Supporting Associations


The Selangor And Federal Territory Engineering And Motor Parts Traders Association (EMPTA)

The Selangor And Federal Territory Engineering And Motor Parts Traders Association, also known as “ EMPTA ”, is a nonprofit association formed by a group of enthusiastic, enterprising and far sighted automotive parts and components traders in 1970.

The association formed with the prime objectives of uniting and enhancing trade among members, providing welfare and services, protecting the interest and rights of members and fulfilling our social obligations.

The association has gained tremendous development from time to time, through the administration of an efficient and united committee. At present, EMPTA is embracing 900 over memberships. Among them are manufacturers, importers and exporters, distributors, franchise holders, wholesalers and retailers.

The Association is very responsive to the government issues and regulations unfavorable to the automotive trade. Therefore, the support and co-operation of our members are imperative in the process of protecting our interest and reflecting our views to the government.

We welcome those in the automotive trade but still not an EMPTA member yet to join force with us to form a greater voice in protecting and fighting our interest and rights.